Essential Shields: Offering Office Divider Walls and Sneeze Guards in Canada

The times have changed drastically. Gone are the days when people wanted to be together and close to each other. Social distancing is the new normal. Earlier also, people were scared to go to hospitals because the chances of catching an infection were higher in such an environment. But now the risk has multiplied manifold. Today, with the pandemic being a constant threat, people have started resuming normal activities, but with utmost caution. Therefore, you must have observed before that hospitals have acrylic shields on the reception desks and other counters where there is a place of interaction with patients and visitors. Essential Shield is a proud Canadian company that offers you a wide range of office divider walls and guards that can create a protective barrier between two people while they are interacting. The majority of the supply from the company is delivered to the medical industry such as private clinics and hospitals. The major focus of Esse...